Archive for March 2012

Warm up with KB complex, sit-ups, push-ups, squats.

3 x 5 Deadlift @ 70kg

60 sec Double-unders
60 sec Full squat clean @ 40kg (barbell)
x10 rounds (5:00 total)

No score kept.

I remember these weights feeling much, much lighter.

Claire and Miller (from across the road) played while I did this. A week later Miller came around to play again, Claire got out the 1.25kg plates and they played at doing deadlifts. :)

Neil and I took advantage of a holiday long weekend and went on a trip we’d been talking about for a few years. Melbourne – Bendigo – Ballarat.

All up it was a touch over 300km in 2 days. The first day was a little longer and included a good, hard climb up Mt Macedon (it has a 2km section that’s 12% and another 2km @ 13%). The second day was through some gorgeous old mining areas, but was tough due to dead legs, dead roads and headwinds.

Day 1:

Melbourne - Bendigo

Melbourne - Bendigo

Melbourne - Bendigo

Melbourne - Bendigo

Melbourne - Bendigo Melbourne - Bendigo




Day 1 laid us to waste pretty good. Here’s Neil with his legs in the ‘up’ position in our luxurious digs for the night. About two hours later we were both fast asleep.


Breakfast on Day 2 was a lot of hot cross buns with a LOT of butter, after discovering that Bendigo cafés don’t even think about opening until 9am.


For quite a while long, empty roads were the theme of the day.




Melbourne - Bendigo


In Smeaton, we found this six-digit phone’d establishment…

…right across the road from this thriving joint:


The backpack handicapping worked a treat for the most part. Oh the hills the pack, the TT chainrings and Nell’s natural uhh, “relationship with gravity” kept us together. Oh the flats it was a different matter. TTTing it into the wind on Day 2 he turned a gear that Die Kaiser himself would have given a nod of respect to. Even though Neil is huge and leaves a great big hole in the wind, there were two specific occasions he just rode me off his wheel. By an large though, it was a pretty ace trip.

Melbourne - Bendigo


The theme of the month has been line of business planning for the next financial year. What it means in practical terms is fifteen or so people spending every morning trying to get their heads onto the same page as to what they’re going to do to meet targets for next year. Unlike Lonely Planet, REA is a public company. Money in the bank doesn’t count for much if you aren’t growing, soft market or no. What the hell does this have to do with training? (Especially in an off week, you say?) It means that on top of the head jamming, you come out of those sessions with the obvious implication: focused homework, and the not so obvious one: a whole day’s worth of shit to get done in half a day.

The result is that things get missed, put on the back burner, filed away in the back of the mind, eating up clear headedness and weighing about the shoulders like a psychic bulgarian bag or two. It’s exciting, because it’s setting the agenda, it’s hard, and I have no real aversion to hard. But good stress or not, it’s stressful.

Last night I worked until two thirty in the morning. Around one a.m. the egg-burps appeared. Ruh-roh. The morning brought opened with the shits. The big stress (usually a 24 hour race) -induced not-Giardia.Doc says sympathetic nervous system fatigue induced IBS. Parasympathetic rebound? Who really cares. It fucking sucks, but so long as I know it’s not biological in nature that fucker’s mine. All I need to do is unload the stress some how and there are clear strategies for that.

Fuck. Even just knowing that I feel better (I mean actually, symptom-free, physically better), which lends credence to the idea that the nuclear antibiotic treatments I’d subjected myself to in the past might have been nuclear placebo in effect.

Anyway, back to for-reals training stuff…

The specialist focus on cycling (or more recently: desk jockeying) has come at a cost of total body capability. I’m actually pretty ok with that from a sporting point of view. Where I’m not down is from an injury prevention, life-long durability point of view. I didn’t have busted hip flexor issues when I was on a randomised GPP program.

I’m not running back into the arms of the Kool-Aid factory, just sayin’ it’d be wise to keep it a little more varied. Riding remains big source of joy in my physical domain now that I don’t have an upstairs gym at work.

A few things are going to play into my favour soon, which may make fitting in all in a little easier. Firstly, I’m all booked in to get my eyeballs frickin’ lazer’d. It’s a small thing, but it means I’m ready for action when I roll out of bed. BAM. The second is that I have a full time analyst at work to help make data driven shit that much easier. That’s a week bit of stress unloading. In the same vein but much bigger news, is that I have a new producer starting for Resi, which means I can give up doing two jobs at once, which ought to help a metric fucktonload.

Anyway, tonight’s theme is “Hot damn, you done got weak”:

2 x 25 Single leg bridge e.s.
25 x Lying pelvic tilt

5 TGU each side @ 16kg KB
30 Swings @ 16kg KB
30 Air Squats
5 x Burgener Warm-up @ 20kg bar
5 x Dip and shrug
5 x Dip, elbows high and wide
5 x Hang muscle snatch
5 x Hang power snatch
5 x OHS @ 20kg bar
5 x Snatch @ 20kg bar
2 x 10 Single leg deadlift e.s. @ 24kg KB
2:00 Plank

March 2012

On the bike

CrossFit benchmarks

100 Burpees: 11:07 10:32
50 Burpees: 4:24
Angie: 30:47 (60 pull-ups only)
Annie: ---
Cindy: 13 rounds
Dianne: 39:07 (scaled)
Elizabeth: 24:47 (scaled)
Fight Gone Bad (3 rounds): 311
Filthy Fifty: 31:16
Fran: 10:31
Grace (35 kg): 4:25
Hangover Cure: 8 rounds
Helen: 11:10
Jeremy: 13:33
Kelly: 36:09
Linda (scaled): 1:17:04
Michael: 32:30
Murph: 54:17
Nancy: 17:30 (scaled to 35 kg)
Nate: 7 rounds (scaled)
Nicole: 3 rounds, 19 pullups

Row 1k: 3:26.3
Row 2k: 7:15.4
Row 500m: 1:35.7
Run 5k: 24:05 (Feb 17)

Weightlifting PBs

Bench Press: ---
Clean: 70kg
Jerk: 70kg
Press: 52.5kg
Snatch: 47.5kg+
Squat (back): 102.5kg
Squat (front): 85kg (x2)
Deadlift: 130kg
CrossFit Total: 623


3RM OHS: 55kg
3RM Front squat: 82.5kg (x5)
3RM Back squat: 90kg
3RM Deadlift: 130kg
5RM Press: 45kg
5RM Front squat: 82.5kg
5RM Back squat: 90kg
5RM Deadlift: 120
20RM Back squat: 65kg
