Archive for June 2011

After work

5 min of:
KB long cycle C&J @ 24kg
alt. hands ever 5 reps

5 min of :
5 Renegade rows e.s. @ 15kg DB
5 Burpees

Doug bruised his heel so was limited to the KB work followed by 5 and 5 push-ups and reverse crunches.


3 x 12:6 Stead State (140-160 bpm) on the trainer.
Felt good (easy).

Got out on the bike before the sun got out of bed and headed out to what’s becoming a favorite loop around Williamstown — flat, open and fast — for the first round of hard intervals in the TCTP program.

I spent a good 15 minutes warming up, feeling decent and then got started. What followed were three efforts that definitely felt like PRE 9, but failed to provoke a heart rate within 10 beats of the lower end of the target range. I aborted the final efforts and rolled home, feeling weak and toasted. My legs ached for the remainder of the day.

Overtrained. Under recovered.

I’ll dial back the intensity in my conditioning work and redouble the focus on the bike efforts, starting by repeating Week 2 properly next week. In the mean time it’s just R&R

Warm up with 100 skips and 1,000m row.

50 1/4 Jumping squats @ no weight (Rx: double-unders)
25 Thrusters @ 20kg
x3 rounds
= 12:02

Hard and fast and hard. This really just relies on not fucking stopping. I did ok but broke sets late when I needed to htfu a bit and push through. Still, remember that old wobbly legs feeling on the way down the stairs from the OG days? Yup. :)

30 x Clean @ 35kg (Rx: 42.5)
30 Body rows (Rx: Pull-ups)
Run 800 meters

= 38:13

30 x Power clean @ 15 kg
30 x Lat Pulldowns @ light-moderate weight
Row 1,000m

= 35:00ish

7×1 Clean & Jerk
Lots with 35kg
2 @ 40kg
2 @ 50kg
3 @ 55kg

Focus on recalling technique.
Jerk is the limiter.
I’m sure I thought it was weak at the time, but 70 sounds impressive to me now!

Quite tired from the riding yesterday. A massage this week would go down a treat.

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55 km from home to the Yarra trails to meet Jim and some mates of his. From there it was out to the edge of Westerfolds Park and finally back in to Ikea/Victoria Gardens.

Muddy, and fun as hell.

Numbers to come…

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Run 400m (treadmill)
15 x OHS @ 35 kg (Rx = 42.5)
x 5 rounds

= 22:47


OHS squats were broken at 10 after the first round, with some niggling NQR feeling in my right hip. The runs were destruction, beginning strongly with my weight way forward and the perfect “forever falling” feeling at 16 (km/h?), but dropped to 15, then 14.5, then 13 and finally a brisk jog at 12.5. There was gasping; and I tore up the ends of my toes a little running barefoot on the treadmill.

22 minutes is close to a solid five slower than my PB. Waiting for the treadmill to come up to speed definitely accounts for some of that, but most of it is declined fitness. I put a stop to my consistent CF training to focus on the Otway Odyssey, and it worked well. But that was in 2009 (for the 2010 race) and it’s now 2011.

Time to get back on it (and by “it”, I mean training like I mean it).

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June 2011

On the bike

CrossFit benchmarks

100 Burpees: 11:07 10:32
50 Burpees: 4:24
Angie: 30:47 (60 pull-ups only)
Annie: ---
Cindy: 13 rounds
Dianne: 39:07 (scaled)
Elizabeth: 24:47 (scaled)
Fight Gone Bad (3 rounds): 311
Filthy Fifty: 31:16
Fran: 10:31
Grace (35 kg): 4:25
Hangover Cure: 8 rounds
Helen: 11:10
Jeremy: 13:33
Kelly: 36:09
Linda (scaled): 1:17:04
Michael: 32:30
Murph: 54:17
Nancy: 17:30 (scaled to 35 kg)
Nate: 7 rounds (scaled)
Nicole: 3 rounds, 19 pullups

Row 1k: 3:26.3
Row 2k: 7:15.4
Row 500m: 1:35.7
Run 5k: 24:05 (Feb 17)

Weightlifting PBs

Bench Press: ---
Clean: 70kg
Jerk: 70kg
Press: 52.5kg
Snatch: 47.5kg+
Squat (back): 102.5kg
Squat (front): 85kg (x2)
Deadlift: 130kg
CrossFit Total: 623


3RM OHS: 55kg
3RM Front squat: 82.5kg (x5)
3RM Back squat: 90kg
3RM Deadlift: 130kg
5RM Press: 45kg
5RM Front squat: 82.5kg
5RM Back squat: 90kg
5RM Deadlift: 120
20RM Back squat: 65kg
